Project Rachel offers confidential healing and reconciliation opportunities for anyone wounded by abortion, counseling, and support in individual or group settings, in person or virtually, in English and in Spanish. Project Rachel is a ministry of the Diocese of Little Rock, Respect Life Office. Call or text the confidential line 501-663-0096 or visit www.hopeafterabortion.org for more information.
Do you have an abortion wounded heart? Find healing and lasting freedom. You don’t have to go through life with an abortion-wounded heart. We can help! For retreat dates, visit www.GoDeeperStill.org and click retreat dates or call 865-524-3313 for more information about this ministry call 501-944-7142.
SaveOne offers help for men, women, and family members/friends, through group study, online study, or answering questions and giving encouragement through self-study. We have a Bible based curriculum that was written by our founder Sheila Harper. Sheila chose abortion in 1985 for her first child and lived with mental and emotional anguish for 7 years following that choice. E-mail info@saveone.org or 615-636-2654 to find a chapter near you. Visit www.saveone.org for more information.
Our mission is to help callers find healing after abortion by listening, assessing their needs, mailing resources, making referrals to local help centers, and providing follow-up as needed. Call 24/7 for immediate help 1-866-482-LIFE — www.internationalhelpline.org