The Choose Life Specialty License Plate to promote adoption was signed into law by Governor Huckabee on March 4, 2003. It took effect on July 16, 2003.

The Choose Life specialty vehicle license plate costs an additional $35.00 each time you renew or purchase vehicle license. This fee consists of a $10.00 handling charge that will be paid to the Department of Finance & Administration and the remaining $25.00 will go into a special Adoption Assistance Fund that will help women choose adoption. A 6% administrative fee will be assessed for each plate sold to offset administrative expenses for the distribution of the funds to qualifying agencies.
Who gets the money? Qualified non-profit organizations that provide services to the community that include counseling and meeting the physical needs for pregnant women who are committed to placing their children for adoption. Funds shall not be distributed to any organization that charges women for services received, or any organization that is involved or associated with abortion activities, including counseling for or referrals to abortion clinics providing medical abortion-related procedures or pro-abortion advertising.
How do you get a Choose Life plate for your car? You can obtain one through direct purchase from the Department of Finance and Administration – either by mail or in person.
You can now have your Choose Life plate personalized! For just $20.00 you can have your name, initials, or other special designation on your Arkansas Choose Life license plate.
By Mail:
Department of Finance and Administration
Office of Motor Vehicles, Special License Unit
P.O. Box 1272
Little Rock, AR 72203
In Person:
Charles Ragland Taxpayer Services Center
Special License Unit
1900 West 7th Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
Or at a Revenue Offices in your location.
For questions, call 501-682-4663

To order a front bumper promotional Choose Life plate for a one time cost of $20.00 click on SHOP.