Bow Ties for Babies, the premiere Pro-Life Event of 2024 featuring Heisman Winner Tim Tebow and honoring former AR First Lady Janet Huckabee, was a resounding success! Thanks to all of our supporters that made the January 25, 2024 a FUNdraiser to remember! Join us in 2024 to celebrate the 50th year of the lifesaving work of Arkansas Right to Life!
Tim Tebow inspires pro-life supporters
at Bow Ties for Babies event
BENTON, Ark. – More than 650 people gathered at the Benton Event Center on Thursday, Jan. 25, to celebrate the sanctity of life and hear from former football star and outspoken Christian Tim Tebow.
The event, called Bow Ties for Babies, was a semi-annual fundraiser for the Arkansas Right to Life organization, which advocates for the protection of unborn children and opposes abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia.
Tebow, who won the Heisman Trophy in 2007 and played in the NFL for three seasons, shared his personal testimony of how his mother chose life for him despite facing medical complications and pressure to abort him.
“My mom was told that I wasn’t even a baby, that I was a tumor, and that she needed to get rid of me,” Tebow said. “But she trusted God and she trusted her doctor, and she said, ‘No, we’re going to keep this baby.’”
Tebow said he was born healthy and went on to pursue his passion for football and his faith in Jesus Christ. He said he was grateful for his mother’s courage and love, and he urged the audience to stand up for the unborn and the vulnerable in society.
“We have to be a voice for those who don’t have a voice,” he said. “We have to be a light in the darkness. We have to be a hope for the hopeless.”
Tebow also encouraged the attendees to put their time, energy, and financial resources into things that matter, rather than trivial pursuits such as following sports teams.
“Sports are fun, but they’re not what life is about,” he said. “Life is about loving God and loving people. Life is about making a difference in the world. Life is about being a part of something bigger than yourself.”
The event also honored Janet Huckabee, the former Arkansas First Lady and the mother of Gov. Sarah Sanders, for her pro-life efforts. Huckabee said she was proud of her daughter for becoming the first female governor of Arkansas and for defending the right to life.
“I’m so thankful that Sarah has the courage to stand up for what she believes in and to lead our state with integrity and compassion,” Huckabee said. “She is a true example of a woman who values life and family.”
Rose Mimms, the executive director of Arkansas Right to Life, said the event was a success and thanked Tebow, Huckabee, and the sponsors and donors for their support.
“We are so blessed to have such amazing speakers and supporters who share our vision and mission to end abortion in Arkansas and to protect the dignity of every human life,” Mimms said. “We are also grateful for the generosity of our donors who make our work possible.”
Mimms said the funds raised from the event will help the organization continue its educational and legislative efforts, as well as support its outreach programs such as the Arkansas Black Americans for Life, and for youth and minority outreach.
She said that while Arkansas Right to Life looks to celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2024 it faces yet another challenge by a group that seeks a ballot amendment to once again make abortion legal in Arkansas.
“We are currently engaged in the toughest battle yet for the lives of our unborn children in Arkansas. Since the Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court Decision of June 24, 2022, Arkansas effectively ended the legal killing of unborn children by abortion, with the only exception to prevent the death of the mother. As the issue of legal abortion was returned to the people, we have seen state initiatives to expand abortion and Arkansas now finds itself a target for such an effort,” said Mimms.
“We have come a long way since 1974, when we started as a grassroots movement to oppose the legalization of abortion,” she added. “We have seen many victories and challenges, but we have never given up hope. While we face our greatest challenge yet I am confident we will see a culture of life prevail in Arkansas.”