Gifts made through a will to Arkansas Right to Life Educational Trust Fund are directly deductible from your taxable estate. Since a charitable bequest if taken “off the top” (the most highly taxed portion of the state), your estate is reduced and less tax is due. More of the estate, then, is left for distribution  to your heirs. If you wish to support Arkansas Right to Life Educational Trust Fund through your will, you can do so in several ways:

1. An outright gift.

2. A gift to someone in trust with the remainder interest to Arkansas Right to Life Educational Trust Fund (charitable remainder trust).

3. A gift to Arkansas Right to Life Educational Trust Fund in trust for a period of years with the remaining interest to someone else (charitable lead trust)

4. A gift that would only come to Arkansas Right to Life Educational Trust Fund if the donee dies before you (contingent gift).

If you wnat to make a tax-deductable bequest, please make it to the Arkansas Right to Life Educational Trust Fund.

To make a non tax-deductable donation to Arkansas Right to Life, please use our full legal name Arkansas Right to Life, Inc.

The address for Arkansas Right to Life Trust Fund & Arkansas Right to Life, Inc. is P.O. Box 1697, Little Rock, Arkansas 72203

For more information about supporting Arkansas Right to Life Educational Trust Fund through your estate, will, trust, insurance policy or gifts-in-kind (real estate, collectibles, vehicles, etc.), contact us at 1-800-714-2785 or email us at