The Crosses for Life Memorial is a traveling display of approximately 4,000 small white crosses to represent the deaths of unborn children killed by legal abortion every day in America and to bring awareness to this tragic loss of human life
- The Crosses for Life trailer will be transported to your location with a complete layout diagram and materials along with the instructions on the packing and loading of the crosses and a sample Press Release to raise community awareness.
- Arkansas Right to Life schedules the display throughout Arkansas during the months of March through November.
- The display can be hosted by churches, Right to Life groups and others ministries that help to promote the sanctity of human life and educate the general public on the toll that legal abortion has taken on our nation since the legalization of abortion in 1973.
- A donation is expected to use the display to cover expenses that maintain the display, replace wooden crosses with plastic and transportation costs. A deposit of $100 is paid on delivery of the trailer but is returned if the trailer and contents are returned in good order.
- Each hosting group is asked to issue a press release and to plan an ecumenical Dedication Service upon the completion of the set up or on the next day and invite area churches.
We pray that the Crosses for Life Memorial outreach will be a blessing to every community and a reminder that abortion kills unborn children so that America will end the slaughter of the innocents.
There are also a number of special days throughout the year that could be the educational emphasis for the Crosses for Life display:
Mother’s Day (mothers who abort their children are still mothers, and they often suffer years of regret and remorse over the abortion decision)
Father’s Day (fathers of unborn children grieve too and even husbands have no say so when it comes to the decision to abort their child)
Independence Day (the unborn have no birthday to celebrate in the greatest free country in the world)
Memorial Day (the unborn are American’s too who have no freedom to live)
Labor Day (the financial impact of abortion on our economy)

For more information about the Crosses for Life outreach or to schedule the display in your area contact Arkansas Right to Life contact Arkansas Right to Life 501-663-4237 or