Join us for a FUNdraiser for Arkansas Right to Life to Celebrate Life in Arkansas and the continuation of the lifesaving work of Arkansas Right to Life! Seth Dillon of the Babylon Bee is our featured speaker in what is sure to be an EVENTful and FUN-filled evening as we celebrate LIFE in Arkansas!
The event will include an opportunity to financially support Arkansas Right to Life.
Buy your tickets and a sponsorship in Benton for Thursday, Feb. 27:
Benton Event Center
17322 I-30 North Benton
Dinner/Program – 6:30 p.m.
Buy your tickets and a sponsorship in El Dorado for Friday, Feb. 28:
El Dorado Conference Center
311 S. West Avenue, El Dorado
Dinner/Program – 6:30 p.m.
If you have questions about the Benton or El Dorado event please call 501-663-4237 or email artl@artl.org
Thank you! We look forward to welcoming you!